Heming Ge

Heming Ge

Heming Ge is a North Carolina raised, New York based comedian who is also a software engineer. He won the 2022 Comfy Clash in New York City which had over 120 comedians competing, and is a co-producer of Guess Who Comedy along with Aditya Shankar. In his free time, he loves playing chess, running, and rock climbing.

Upcoming Shows
  • Wednesday June 19th 08:00PM
  • Guess Who?
  • Come watch this free show and have some laughs while getting to know the comics! We'll give you some fun facts at the beginning of the show and if you can guess which comic each fact applies to, you'll have a chance to win cool prizes!Brought to you monthly by Hemming Gee and Aditya ShankarOne Item Minimum Per Person.